
University of Nebraska National Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) Team

SEAON members Ken Kilzer and Kate Fickle provided assistance to the EERI team as they prepared for a national competition.


The following is a message from Ben Schnatz, President of the EERI team that was sent to Ken Kilzer.

I wanted to let you know that our University of Nebraska Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) team placed 11th out of 46 teams at our competition in March. Last fall, you were able to read through our competition proposal and took the time to suggest edits, as well as additional points to discuss. Your suggestions were of enormous help and gave us concepts to dive into to learn more about, which we would have had no clue about had it not been for your suggestions. Thank you very much for these and for allowing us your time. I know last year, members of our organization reached out to SEAoN for technical help with SAP2000 and Kate Fickle volunteered to help us. This past year, she was of great help in explaining the computer software as well as advising with the design of our structure. She has also offered to continue to work with us by being our "industry mentor" and help even more in the coming year.  Attached is a photo of our tower built with the four members who were able to attend the competition.


Congratulations to the students and special thanks to Ken and Kate!


Thank you


Dustin Cole, P.E., S.E.

Director Of Engineering                            SEAON Publicity Chair


Chief Buildings

Justin Gregory