
2020 NCSEA SE3 Survey Now Available

The NCSEA SE3 Committee is requesting your participation in its third nationwide survey of structural engineering professionals, now through mid-June! This is the largest survey of structural engineering professionals in the United States and provides valuable comprehensive information about our profession regarding demographics, compensation, satisfaction, engagement, and retention.


By participating in this anonymous survey, you will be helping us understand which factors influence engagement and retention for structural engineers living in Nebraska and surrounding regions.


Please take the 10-15 minute survey and forward to as many colleagues in your area as you feel comfortable, especially ones that are not part of this chapter or those who have left for other careers, as they are the hardest to reach, but equally important! As a smaller state, it’s crucial that we need to get feedback from as many Nebraska structural engineers as possible to ensure our voice is heard at the national level when survey findings and paths forward are discussed.

Thank you

Dustin Cole, P.E., S.E.

Director Of Engineering
SEAON Publicity Chair
Chief Buildings

Justin Gregory