
Update on Legislative Action possibly impacting structural engineering

Here are two items of interest for SEAoN members.

1. The Unicameral suspended the session after completing day 40 leaving many bills in various stages of the legislative process. The omnibus bill that included decoupling, LB755, is currently on Select File, the second of three rounds of debate. The big issues of property tax reform, renewing business incentives, and funding for NeXT (the proposed UNMC facility) remain unfinished. The Unicameral may reconvene next week to appropriate emergency funding for COVID-19 related spending. Other legislation is on hold.

2. Among the Governor’s announcement of appointments to boards and commissions is Jason Suelter, P.E., S.E. to the Nebraska Board of Professional Engineers and Architects. A big thank you to Jason for serving Nebraska and SEAoN's best wishes for him during his term.

Justin Gregory